Epicinium Wiki

Gold is the currency in Epicinium in almost every game mode. It is gained in the night phase after each turn. Gold is used to purchase units. Each player starts the game with 20 gold.

Generating gold[]

There are four buildings that allow for gold generation: The City, the Town, the Industry and the Farm.

  • The city generates 1 gold for each powered building, with a maximum of 5 per turn
  • The town generates 1 gold for each powered building, with a maximum of 5 per turn (3 without upgrades)
  • The industry generates 3 gold for each powered building, with a maximum of 9 per turn.
  • The farm does not generate income itself, but the surrounding 8 tiles can be turned into soil tiles. Soil tiles turn into crops tiles, which generate 1 income every turn with a maximum of 8 each turn except for in winter or on snowy tiles, when they do not generate any income.

Spending gold[]

Gold can be spend on units, upgrades, and buildings.


Creating units lowers the power of the corresponding building to 0 and creates units equal to that number. The only exceptions to this rule are creating settlers which always cost 1 power and creating militia in cities, because the maximum unit size is 3.

  • Settlers cost 1 gold in cities, towns, farms or outposts
  • Militia cost 5 gold in outposts or cities
  • Riflemen cost 5 gold in barracks
  • Sappers cost 15 gold in barracks
  • Gunners cost 15 gold in barracks
  • Tanks cost 25 gold in industry
  • Zeppelins cost 25 gold in airfields


Most buildings can either be created by using a settler or by expanding a city.

  • Cities cannot be build directly, but cost 40 gold when upgrading a town
  • Towns cost 10 gold when settling a settler
  • Outposts cost 0 gold when settling a militia or settler
  • Farms cost 5 gold when settling a settler
  • Barracks cost 5 gold when expanding from a city
  • Industry costs 5 gold when expanding from a city
  • Airports cost 5 gold when expanding from an industry


Upgrading costs 1 power, and adds an additional building to the structure.

  • Upgrading barracks costs 25 gold
  • Upgrading industry costs 50 gold
  • Upgrading towns past 3 buildings costs 4 gold

Morale mode[]

Morale mode is a (as of writing challenge only) mode where gold is replaced by morale. Each player starts with a set of units and more can only be produced by spending morale. Morale is gained by defeating enemy units or buildings.